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My name is Alex and I am as Type A as they get (and often times a little stubborn). When I first became a mom I had a lot of of ideas on what “perfect parenting” looked like. I have since learned there is no such thing. Every family is different, every child is different, and every mom is different. What works for one may not work for another. From breastfeeding to bottle feeding, from sleep training to co-sleeping, from herbs and supplements to Tylenol and Benadryl, we are doing the best we can as mom’s – and that’s all that matters! So here I am to share my research, thoughts, and experience.


I work for a sleep and airway focused holistic dentist. This job leads to a lot of research, and I have become a firm believer in holistic medicine of the mind, body, and spirit…and the power of breathing and sleep (hence my Babywise obsession below)! However, I am also a firm believer that there is a lot of good in conventional medicine as well. I love to use these two mindsets when it comes to my research and decisions on parenting, babies, and kiddos – and I’m hoping to share my findings and experiences with you!​


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