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American Foods Banned in Other Countries


Skittles include both Yellow 5 and Yellow 6 artificial food dyes. Some research has found a potential correlation between Yellow 5 and heightened hyperactivity In children. And rat studies have linked Yellow 6 to potential tumors in the tested and adrenal glands.

Banned in: Sweden and Norway


Twinkies contain Yellow 5 and Red 40 which have been found to be contaminated with benzidine or other carcinogens.

Banned in: Austria, Finland and Norway


These contain partially hydrogenated soybean oil, a trans fat that has been linked to heart disease. Partially hydrogenated soybean oil can also be found in baked goods, coffee creamers, margarine, microwave popcorn, potato chips and packaged snacks, and more.

Banned in: Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Iceland, Norway and Denmark


U.S pork uses an animal feed additive called Ractopamine, which is linked to elevated heart rates, behavioral changes, and cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, reproductive, and endocrine problems.

Banned in: China, Russia, EU


Most conventional milk contains rGBH (or rBST), a man-made growth hormone fed to dairy cows in order to boost milk production. This has been linked to possible pre-menopausal breast cancer. 

The U.S does not require companies to label the use of rBST in their product

Banned in: Japan, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the EU


Mountain Dew contains Brominated Vegetable Oil, which has been linked to headaches, memory loss, skin issue and more.

Banned in: Japan and EU


  • Gatorade 

  • Pop-Tarts

  • Swiss Rolls

  • Coffee Mate

  • Ritz Crackers

  • Wheat Thins

  • Maraschino Cherries

  • Farmed Salmon

  • Frosted Flakes

  • Pre-Packaged U.S Ground Beef

  • Instant Stuffing and Mashed Potatoes

  • Fruit Loops



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