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How to Detox Vaccines YEARS After

For an ideal detox you would start before and directly after receiving a vaccine (with bentonite clay, epsom salt, liposomal vitamin c, and silica - depending). Read about these HERE.

However, many of us didn’t know what we didn’t know at the time - now it’s been months or years after a vaccine and we are wishing we would have done more. 

Not to worry - there are still many things you can do now, even years after the fact. 

While we can’t mitigate the initial injection response, we can focus on detoxing out heavy metals and toxin build up. 

Consumer a Detox Diet

  • Leafy Green Vegetables

  • kale, swiss chard, mustard greens, argula, spinach, broccoli sprouts 

  • Anti-Inflammatory Herbs and Spices 

  • basil, parsley, oregano, rosemary, thyme, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, cilantro. Cilantro is one of the best herbs for detoxing heavy metals.

  • Vitamin C - can reduce damage caused by heavy metals

  • Garlic and Onions - both contain sulfur which helps the liver detox heavy metals

  • Water - drink 8 oz of water every 2 hours to help aid in the flushing out of toxins

  • Omega-3 Fats and Fiber - like chia and flaxseed, helps detox the colon and reduce inflammation 

Detox Supplements

  • Chlorella - 1-4 g a day

  • Vitamin C - 3,000 mg daily 

  • Cilantro - preferably as a tincture 2x a day

  • Shilajit - 100-500 mg a day 

  • Milk Thistle - 150 mg 2x/day min. 

  • or tea 1-3x/day

  • Probiotics - 50 billion units daily

These can safely be taken on a daily basis for as long as you would like, as they will also help flush out toxins from daily life. 

Detox Treatment: Activated Charcoal

This treatment detoxes heavy metals and toxins by absorption. This is why many people will use activated charcoal when treating food poisoning. It is full of carbon and can flush toxins out fairly quickly. It is even used as an emergency treatment for quickly removing poisons (1). 

You can take low dose activated charcoal on a daily basis, but if you’re not ready to add in another forever daily to your regimen, at least follow the supplement instructions and continue for a month or two. Make sure to drink lots of water whenever taking activated charcoal (12-16 glasses per day). 

Detox Treatment: Chelation Therapy

This is one of the most effective ways to detox heavy metals - especially mercury, aluminum (which many vaccines contain both), lead, mercury, and arsenic. 

This therapy involves a chemical solution called ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), which is injected into the bloodstream and binds to salts and molecules, and attaches to heavy metals. After which, they both move together to the kidneys and are eliminated through urine. 

Best results are seen between 5-30 sessions. Possible side effects include burning at the injection site, vomiting, feeling dizzy, fever, headaches, nausea, low blood sugar symptoms, and blood pressure changes.

Detox Treatment: Toxin Removal System (TRS)/Zeolite

TRS uses clinoptilolite zeolite to help remove heavy metals from the body on a cellular level.

It is a simple spray that captures and removes toxic heavy metals, supports healthy levels of important nutrients, balances pH levels, and boosts the immune system. 

Follow supplement instructions, and can be used daily. Consult with pediatrician if wanting to administer to children under three. 

Detox Treatment: Infrared Sauna

While traditional saunas use humidity to hear the room, infrared sauna’s heat your body directly by emitting wavelengths of light that your body immediately absorbs. This localized heat is typically more tolerable and creates a quicker, deeper sweat - really helping to flush out those toxins.  

Infrared saunas promote relaxation, pain relief, detoxification, improved circulation, weight loss, and skin purification. 


  1. Emergency use of charcoal for poison


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