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Safer Coffee & Creamer

Pesticides & Mold


Coffee beans are one of the priciest agricultural products in the world, and mostly grown by farmers in third world countries who want to protect their crop. Because of this they are heavily sprayed. However, the beans are protected by a cherry and then roasted, so the pesticide exposure is minimized to some extent. But, to further protect yourself its best to choose organic. Organic coffee is also friendlier to the environment. 


Coffee is very high in mycotoxins (mold toxins). You want to stay away from “blends” and “mass market” coffee (like Folgers), because they are typically mixed with cheap beans from multiple sources. This raises the risk of moldy beans being included. Ideally you want to buy coffee from single origins/countries.

Shop full list of coffees on Amazon HERE.

K Cups

Bagged Coffee

Instant Coffee

Decaf Coffee

Cold Brew



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