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Safer Condiments

Why Ditch Conventional Condiments?

There’s many ingredients to look out for, like...

  • HFCS, artificial dyes, xanthan gum, “natural flavor,” soybean oil, excess salt and sugar, and more. 

But let’s take a look at the top two typically found in most condiments. 

High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

HFCS is a sweetener made from corn starch and has been linked to fatty liver, obesity, type 2 diabetes, Insulin resistance, cravings, addiction, and behavior issues. Many countries acknowledge these health hazards and do not use HFCS at all, including India, Ireland, Sweden, Austria, Japan, just to name a few. 

Artificial Dyes

Artificial dyes are used to make products look more appealing or “fun.” However, they are made from petroleum and create inflammation. Research has linked food dyes to behavior issues (especially in children) including, hyperactivity, impulsivity, difficulty concentrating, and more. 

Shopping On Your Own? What to Look For

If you don’t see what you want above, or if it’s not available to you, don’t worry! There’s TONS of great brands out there. 

Just read labels carefully and make sure there’s no additives, high sugar content, HFCS, dyes, “natural flavors,” or any unnatural/unrecognizable ingredients. 


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