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Safer Deodorant + DIY Armpit Detox

The Problem with Antiperspirants

Typically antiperspirants contain aluminum. In the 1980's aluminum accumulation was looked at as a possible culprit in the neurodegenerative process that can lead to Alzheimers, and thoughts began to arise that aluminum in deodorants could also have a link to breast cancer because of the armpit’s proximity to breast tissue.

There have been many studies since that have debunked these theories. However aluminum is an estrogenic metal - meaning “it influences estrogen receptors in human cells” (Julie Russak, MD). It is still deemed theoretical in the medical world but, in my opinion, the risk of estrogen-responsive breast cancer cannot be ruled out completely.

*People with kidney disease should be especially cautious when using deodorant products with aluminum, because they are unable to filter aluminum from the blood via urine. 

If you are like me and struggle with armpit odor unless you use an antiperspirant, you may benefit from doing an at-home armpit detox. 

Why Armpit Detox

Conventional deodorants and antiperspirants contain many harmful chemicals such as aluminum, phthalates, formaldehyde, paragons, and propylene glycol.

You have lymph nodes in in your armpit, which play an important part in your immune system. By putting the above endocrine disruptors directly on top of them can lead to hormone issues and a decrease in immune function. 

Your skin is your largest organ, and anything that touches your skin can enter your bloodstream. Doing an armpit detox every few months is a great way to help pull some of these chemicals out of the armpit tissue. 

In addition to armpit detoxing, it is also important to switch over to a natural deodorant so you do not get stuck in a continuous cycle.  

How To Armpit Detox




  • Apply to armpits for 15-20 minutes, then rinse 


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