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Tdap Vaccine During Pregnancy

What is Pertussis?

Pertussis is most commonly known as whooping cough. It is caused by a bacterium that infects the upper lungs, causing severe irritation and damage to the lining of the upper lungs and throat. 

Symptoms start off the same as a common cold, and then worsen into a prolonged cough so severe a person can barely breathe, and when breaths are possible they sound like a gasping "whoop" (usually not present in infants less than one). 

It is transmitted like the common cold and can last as long as three months, even with treatment. 

Fortunately, most cases are mild. A moderate case can involve coughing spells that can cause infants or young children to turn blue. Severe cases require ICU care - requiring oxygen, IV fluids, and suctioning of secretions. 

Pertussis Stats

Pertussis typically follows a rise and fall pattern every 5 years. So Let’s take a look at an uptick year and a lower year. 

2014-2015 (1)

Total US Cases: 20,762

6 total deaths

3 deaths in infants >1 yr

2022 (2)

Total US Cases: 2,388

3 total deaths

1 deaths in infants >1 yr

Why Some Choose the Vaccine

Pertussis is a common disease and most serious in the first 6 months of life. There is typically a rise and fall pattern of Pertussis every 5 years. In 2015 we saw 20,762 cases. The number has slowly decreased to 2,116 in 2021. So we are most likely going to see a spike soon.

A CDC evaluation found Tdap vaccination during the third trimester of pregnancy prevents 78% of pertussis cases in infants younger than 2 months of age.

Many parents would rather chance the risks of the vaccine than the risk of the disease, especially if their baby is going to be in daycare from a very early age. 

Why Some Decline the Vaccine

The Tdap vaccines contains 0.33-0.39 mg (3) of aluminum. Based on FDA guidelines, the safe amount of aluminum exposure for infants is 0.004-0.005 mg (4) - the amount in the Tdap vaccine far exceeds this, which makes many parents uncomfortable. 

Aluminum, among other toxins, increases inflammation which has been shown to cause cell damage - something many mom’s-to-be do not want to risk.

If a baby is going to be breast-fed and stay at home vs going to daycare, then the risk of pertussis is extremely low, and mom may be comfortable skipping the vaccine for herself - and possibly for baby once born as well.



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