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Ways to Promote Proper Jaw Development in Kids

  • Breastfeed as long as possible

  • If you bottle-feed, use gradual sloped nipples

  • Avoid pacifiers (or at least wean by 4 months)

  • Use a Myo Munchee

  • Use the REMplenish MyoNozzle

  • Give child chewy foods, not just pouches and puffs

  • Dried fruits

  • Jerky and Tough Meats 

  • Apples, Carrots, Celery, etc. 

  • Make sure any tongue/lip tie is addressed

  • Skip the sippy & 360 cups, instead choose...

  • non-valved straw cups

  • open cups

  • thin, short straws

  • hard straws if child has a biting/chewing habit

  • use ARK’s Lip Blok to naturally exercise the mouth muscles, discourage tongue thrusting, promote tongue retraction, and correct overall tongue positioning

  • Incorporate oral activities into daily routine

  • blow through whistles 

  • drink through straws

  • blow cotton balls across the table

  • blow bubbles (ARK’s Bubble Straw is a great tool)


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