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Why Choose Barefoot Shoes

Why Choose Barefoot Shoes

Human feet are designed to work on their own, without external support. There can be a short-term time and place for arch support, insoles, etc., for certain people, but believe it or not arch support can actually weaken your feet (

If you rely too heavily on arch support your feet will never be given the chance to use their muscles and nerves. 

What Happens When We Confine Our Feet?

  • Weak foot muscles 

  • Weak toes 

  • Poor foot control

  • Decreased balance 

  • Poor posture (especially lower body posture)

  • Unstable and weak arches 

  • Pain in knees, joints, and back 

  • Foot deformities 

  • Poor sensory Information/communication with your brain which allows a more natural walk, run, and quick decision making

What to Look for in Barefoot Shoes?

  • Zero drop (completely flat)

  • Thin, flexible soles 

  • Wide, round toe boxes

  • Securely attaches to foot (not backless)

Are Barefoot Shoes Enough?

In order to gain the maximum benefit from barefoot shoes, you need work work on strengthening your foot muscles. As Anya Reviews says, “not strengthening your feet when you switch to minimalist shoes is like wearing a cast for years and then not doing physical therapy when you take it off. Barefoot shoes will only benefit you if your feet can do what your old supportive shoes used to, and that requires MUSCLE.”

Foot Strengthening Exercises

Work on Splaying Your Toes - You can do so by interlacing your fingers between your toes, or by wearing toe spacers. This is an easy exercise to do while you’re watching tv. 

Balance on One Leg - This will help you to improve stability. Do this for one minute on each leg for three sets. If you want to challenge yourself, you can also add in heel raises as you balance. 

Roll Out Your Foot on a Ball - Using a hard therapy ball apply as much pressure as you can on the sensitive areas of your foot and hold until you feel a releasing sensation. You can also roll back and forth and side to side. 

Walk on Textured and Bumpy Surfaces - This could be physically going outside and walking on a rocky driveway barefoot, or investing in a reflexology walking stone mat. 

Squats - Doing regular, simple squats can also 

strengthen your feet!

Some Barefoot Shoe Companies to Check Out

  • Xero Shoes

  • Splay

  • Belenka 

  • Vivo Barefoot

  • Origo

  • Whitin (on Amazon)

  • Saguaro 

  • Unshoe

  • Freet Barefoot

  • Tadeevo


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