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Baby Carrier Guide



  • Really light weight, soft, and stretchy

  • Very compact. There's a built in pocket at the end of one of the sides so it rolls into itself and doesn't require a separate storage bag. It can easily fit in an already packed to the brim diaper bag.

  • I find this one of the easier fabric-only wraps to put on. Since it's so lightweight, even if there's parts that are a little twisted when you get it all on it's not nearly as noticeable or bothersome. When you're out and about and need to get a wrap on quickly, it's pretty common for some of the material to be a little twisted once on and kind of hard to untwist without looking in a mirror and really working through it. I find with the thicker wraps, like the Moby, if certain parts are twisted it can be uncomfortable and annoying.


  • Since the fabric is lighter weight, it doesn't have quite as tight of a feel as thicker wraps like the Moby, and can tend to loosen up a bit more after wearing for a while.

  • Because of the above, sometimes I feel like I can't go quite 100% hands free like I feel I can with the Moby, especially if I was in a hurry and didn't put it on tight enough. I would say I still feel hands free, but every now and then if I'm bending down or reaching for something I may feel like I need to put my hand on baby's head or bottom for a little extra stabilization.

Overall thoughts: I would say this is my favorite, HOWEVER if you're needing something to wear for hours on end I would probably suggest the Moby. See below.


  • The thicker material makes it easier to get it really tight and feel extra secure

  • If you get it tight enough you can go pretty much 100% hands free without any second guessing


  • The thicker material does cause it to get twisted up easier while putting it on, which can be really annoying when you're out and about and need to get something on quickly

  • It doesn't roll up as compact as the Solly wrap; takes up more room in the diaper bag

  • It comes with a carrying case, but because the material is so thick I find it hard to get it all nice and compact back into the bag once initially removed

Overall thoughts: If I knew I wanted a wrap that I was going to be wearing for hours on end out and about I would go with the Moby over the Solly, just because of how much more tight and secure you can get it.


  • Definitely one of the easiest and quickest to put on due to it's "t-shirt" styled back

  • The fabric loops through rings on on the side which makes it really easy to adjust the tightness even when baby is already in place


  • It has a separate "security" belt, so there's two parts to keep up with; plus a third if you include the carrying bag.

  • I always feel like there's a lot of excess fabric flapping around because of the "tails" in the back that you pull through the rings, plus where the security belt ties in the front. But being able to adjust the tightness with baby already in place kind of makes up for it.

  • Sometimes if not put on properly, or pulled too tight the side rings can feel like they're digging into your skin

Overall thoughts: If fabric only wraps intimidate you, and you prefer something with a more "t-shirt" styled back to wear for longer periods of time this would be the one I choose. (fabric only wraps DID intimidate me at first, but once I figured it out I definitely prefer them).


  • By far the easiest and quickest to put on

  • Not a ton of fabric to deal with

  • Really compact when stored, so easy to travel with/keep in the diaper bag even though it has two parts (wrap, security belt)

  • Some versions come with a head stabilizer insert for newborns

  • Some versions have adjustable sides to both partners can wear


  • Not all are one sized fits all, so typically both partners can't use it unless they are the same size

    • they have newer versions with adjustable sides so multiple sizes can wear

  • While super easy to put on, when I first started using it if I was too frantic or in a hurry the back would feel lopsided. But now that I've gotten the hang of it that rarely happens.

  • It comes with a security belt, but I find that it slips down easily on the mesh material. The "normal" fabric one is better.

  • I have a hard time covering my daughter's head with the mesh one, making it not the best for contact naps. Thankfully, the "normal" fabric one I have no issues with.

  • Comfortable, but not as comfortable and secure feeling for long-term wear IMO

Overall thoughts: This wouldn't be my first pick if I could only have one wrap, but if you want something to throw on really quick for shorter periods and not have to deal with a ton of fabric it's a great option. I LOVE having it in the car to quickly throw on for short errands. It's also super easy to throw on and wear without baby, so if I'm going into a store and have baby in our Doona and know she may wake up and want to be carried at some point I will throw it on and wear it while shopping, etc. just incase.


  • Water-proof

  • Breathable mesh great for hot weather or the pool

  • Stores up pretty compactly


  • Only two colors to choose from (pink and blue)

  • I feel like the "sleeves" are longer and baggier than the rest of the wraps, but you can easily scrunch them up on your shoulders if you want

  • Single piece fabric wrap so not as quick to put on as the "t-shirt" style wraps. But once you get the hang of it, it's super easy

Overall thoughts: If you want a wrap that's mesh/breathable and waterproof this is the one for you! I don't use this as my everyday wrap (although I totally would if it was the only one I had), but I do use it anytime we are out at the pool or around water. *The Konny has a mesh option, but because of its price point I don't like getting it in water.



  • Very sturdy and can go 100% hands free

  • Can be adjusted/worn by both partners

  • Can front carry inward & outward, and can back carry

  • Very well made, should last years


  • I have a hard time getting it on correctly all by myself (particularly the clip up on my back)

  • Can get pretty hot if wearing long-term outside in the summer

  • If you want to use with an infant you do have to get a separate insert

  • Bulkier and not as easy/compact to travel with (won't fit in a diaper bag)

  • On the pricier side (but should last you years and years)


  • Lighter weight than the Ergo baby; better for summer heat

  • Easier to put on solo IMO

  • Doesn't need a separate insert to wear with an infant

  • MUCH more affordable


  • Not as structured as the Ergo baby. It's perfectly structured enough for my liking, but if you struggle with back pain the Ergo may be a better fit.

  • Not as high quality as the Ergo / may not last you years and years, but wildly less expensive



  • Very sturdy, high quality material

  • Super easy to put on

  • Once you get it all strung, you don't have to restring it each time


  • Personally, once baby got bigger and wanted to go legs out (which happened pretty quickly) I could never figure out how to make it comfortable

  • Puts an uneven amount of pressure on your shoulders

Overall thoughts: I just don't think I'm a sling gal. I used this maybe twice. It's nice that you can throw it on super quickly, but I never felt it comfortable or sturdy enough for my liking - especially as baby got bigger.


  • Really compact and easy to travel with

  • Extremely quick and easy to throw on

  • Can be used from 6 months to 4 years (up to 44lbs)


  • Puts pressure on one shoulder

  • Can't go 100% hands free

  • Only used for older babies and toddlers (not newborns)

Overall thoughts: This was a targeted Instagram ad that got the best of me, but I'm so glad it did. I love this thing! It's not the best for long-term wear, but when baby turns into a toddler and wants to walk most of the time but every now and then needs a little break this thing is amazing. And it's so small and lightweight you can just wear it out and about for if/when you do need it.


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