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Hib Vaccine

What is Hib?

HIB (haemophilus influenzae type b) is a bacterium that can cause meningitis, blood infections, bone infections, throat infections, and pneumonia. It almost exclusively affects infants and the elderly.

HIB is spread like the common cold and starts with similar symptoms. In a mild case, it may be treated in such a way that the child recovers without ever knowing the cause was HIB. 

Severe cases require hospitalization with aggressive antibiotic treatment, and can lead to HIB meningitis, hearing loss, and nerve injury. 

Is Hib Common?

No, but it used to be. Before the vaccine (1980s), there were about 20,000 cases of serious Hib infections a year in the US.

There are now less than 50 cases each year - almost all occurring in children under the age of 5, and most within the first two years (CDC). Between 3% to 6% of Hib cases in children are fatal. People 65 years or older with invasive H. influenzae disease have higher case-fatality ratios than children (1).

I had a hard time finding these numbers for the US (if someone has them, please let me know). But, a 2020 study* in Italy after 20 years of routine use of conjugate Hib vaccines saw 31 cases of invasive Hib in children from 2012-2018. 14 were vaccinated, 14 were unvaccinated, and 2 were partially vaccinated. The median age was 12 months (range of 3 months - 15 years). 

*Giufrè M, Lindh E, Cardines R, Pezzotti P, Cerquetti M. Invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) disease in children in Italy, after 20 years of routine use of conjugate Hib vaccines. Vaccine. 2020 Sep 29

Why Some Get the Hib Vax?

Meningitis and blood infections are very serious, and there are many germs that cause these conditions - HIB used to be one of the most common. Although HIB is now extremely rare, continued vaccination keeps the disease out of our population. This vaccine also has one of the safest side effect profiles, and the ingredients are purer than ~most~. 

Why Some Don't Get the Hib Vax?

A breast-fed baby who does not attend daycare has a particularly low risk of catching this illness, therefore many of these parents will choose to skip this vaccine because the extreme cases are very rare (less than 50 cases a year in the US in kids under 5). 

If a child does contract Hib it can be tragic, but the risk in the US is very low as long as people continue to vaccinate against it.

Options to Consider

There are two aluminum free brands: ActHIB and Hiberix

If you can, try and get one of these brands. If that's not an option, and you are concerned about Aluminum, you can tell your doctor you will only allow your child to receive one aluminum-containing vaccine at a time. 

If you do receive a vaccine with Aluminum, you can detox afterwards with Silica. If you receive one of the vaccines without Aluminum and still wish to detox, you can consider doing so with bentonite clay, epsom salt, and Liposomal Vitamin C (these three can also be used in conjunction with Silica after Aluminum vaccines). 

Detoxing Aluminum Vaccines with Silica

It is shown that taking Silica during the time of Aluminum exposure can prevent the absorption of Aluminum into the body, which then can be absorbed ultimately in the brain and bones. We use the Eidon Silica brand. It tastes like water and is very easy to give - you can put it right into milk, formula, juice, etc. 


use twice per day for two weeks following an aluminum vaccine

<10 lbs: 2 drops (NOT DROPPERFULS) 

10-20 lbs 3-4 drops (NOT DROPPERFULS) 

20-30 lbs 5-6 drops (NOT DROPPERFULS) 

30-40 lbs 6-8 drops (NOT DROPPERFULS) 

"Most vaccines contain aluminum, and aluminum is a proven neurotoxin, in amounts received from vaccines. Even the aluminum in a single vaccine can be harmful because the aluminum is in a form that is more dangerous than ingested aluminum. Specifically, vaccine aluminum is in nanoparticulate form, which is harder for the body to eliminate, and is transported around the body differently than ingested aluminum. 

Silica naturally has a high affinity for aluminum. Silica naturally reacts with aluminum, forming aluminosilicate: Silica + aluminum = aluminosilicate (surprising, I know).

Aluminosilicates are nontoxic and almost biologically inert. So silica effectively detoxifies aluminum by converting it into aluminosilicate, which is eliminated by the kidneys. This reaction between silica and aluminum can occur inside the body, and is believed to be an important mechanism for aluminum detoxification for many animals (including snails for example)." 

Vaccine Papers | Natural, Science-Based Treatment for Aluminum Toxicity 

Detoxing Aluminum Vaccines with Liposomal Vitamin C

Vitamin C has strong antitoxin properties. It can even neutralize the toxic nature of mercury (NIH).

According to Dr. Thomas E. Levy, "Vitamin C has been documented to augment the antibody response of the immune system. As the goal of any vaccination is to stimulate a maximal antibody response to the antigens of the vaccine while causing minimal to no toxic damage to the most sensitive of vaccine recipients, there would appear to be no medically sound reason not to make Vitamin C a part of all vaccination protocols (2)."

A review of the world literature on Vitamin C and vaccine reactions in animals showed that supplementing with Vitamin C has a protective effect (3). Research has also shown that Vitamin C reduces the morbidity and the mortality following injection of bacterial and toxins in guinea pigs, rats, and mice. 

A 2017 study showed that Vitamin C supplementation improved the efficacy of foot-and-mouth disease vaccine in guinea pigs (4). 

Studies of aborigines in Australia by Kalokerinos have also reported on the highly protective effects of Vitamin C in children (5). 

Mix 1/2 to 1 tsp (1 tsp = 1,000 mg) in juice, water, formula, milk, etc. for 7 days BEFORE vaccine, and 7 days AFTER vaccine. Reduce dosage if diarrhea occurs. 

Detoxing Aluminum Vaccines with Bentonite Clay & Epsom Salt

After receiving a vaccine you can do what's called "mudding" the injection site and the tops and bottoms of feet. All you need is Bentonite Clay and Medi-Mineral Serum. (Or if you just have Bentonite Clay and don't want to get the serum, that's better than nothing). Mix a few TBSP of the clay with a few tsp of the serum (or water if not using serum) to make a paste. Apply on the injection site and tops and bottoms of feet. Leave for 20-30 minutes (you can wrap with plastic wrap to make cleanup easier). Do this 1x/day for 3 days after receiving vaccine.

Soak in a bath with 1/2-1 c of Epsom salt for 10 minutes to help sulfur levels in the body to increase detoxification process (day of vaccine, and 3-4 days after). Be mindful of how long you stay in as too much epsom salt can cause fatigue. 


The Vaccine Book

Robert W. Sears, MD, FAAP

2 Levy, T. E. "Vitamin C Prevents Vaccination Side Effects; Increases Effectiveness." Orthomolecular Medicine News Service (Feb 14, 2012): 

3 Clemetson CAB. Vaccinations, inoculations, and ascorbic acid. J

Orthomolecular Med 1999; 14:137-142

4 Minsheng Wu, Meina He & Youmin Kang (2018) Vitamin C supplementation improved the efficacy of foot-and-mouth disease vaccine, Food and Agricultural Immunology, 29:1, 470-483, DOI: 10.1080/09540105.2017.1406459

5 Kalokerinos A. Medical Pioneer of the 20th Century. Melbourne,

Victoria, Australia: Biological Therapies Publishing Pty Ltd; 2000.


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