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Immunity Support for Infants, Toddlers & Big Kids: basics, extras, doses by age

There are countless immune supportive supplements, treatments, etc., out there that people will recommend. It can be very overwhelming. These are the bare basics that we use, plus a few extras. You don’t have to do all the things. If given the right environment, our bodies are smart and know how to fight and heal.

Also, I AM NOT A DOCTOR. These recommendations are based off our own experience, research, and personal provider advice. I always encourage people to do their own research, and find an open-minded provider they know and trust. 

the bare basics

vitamin D

vitamin C


helpful extras

briar rose



garlic honey

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is vital for the immune system because it helps regulate both the innate and adaptive immunity systems. It helps build immunity and fight infection by regulating immune cells, which are what prompt antiviral responses. Vitamin D deficiencies have been linked to increased autoimmunity and susceptibility to infection. 

Dosing recommendations vary from doctor to doctor and institution to institution. Some believe the lower end doses are fine, while others believe higher doses are needed to be effective. This is why I always recommend finding a provider you know and trust. 

CDC minimum

newborn-12 mo: 400 IU daily

1yr-adult: 600 IU daily

CHOP maximum

newborn-12 mo: 1,500 IU daily

1-8yr: 3,000 IU daily

9yr and older: 4,000 IU daily

Most child specific supplements will give an age range. These age ranges are based on the serving size, so most times you can use for any age you just might have to do some calculations to get the right dose.

this bottle is marked 6mo-3yr.

5 drops = 400 IU

8 drops = 668 IU 

so I would be fine using 5 drops for a newborn, and 6 drops for 1yr and up

Other bottles won’t give an age range at all, so you just have to look at the serving sizes and calculate.

this bottle doesn’t give an age range, but...

serving size 2 drops = 4,000 IU

that would make 1 drop 1,2000 IU

so I would be fine using 1 drop for a newborn. this is a great option for babies who don’t take a bottle, because it’s a thicker liquid and can be placed on your finger and swiped into baby’s mouth. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps the body produce immune cells, strengthens T cells, and helps healthy cells stay alive and active. Vitamin C is also essential for the growth and repair of tissue throughout the body. It can help heal wounds and fight free radicals in the body to prevent against cancers and heart disease. There is evidence showing that Vitamin C may help decrease the length and severity off cold symptoms, making it a great supplement to for the winter months.

0-6mo: 40mg daily

7-12mo: 50mg daily

1-3yr: 15mg daily

4-8yr: 25mg daily

9-13yr: 45mg daily

14-18yr male: 75mg

14-18yr female: 65 mg

*infants typically need higher vitamin C because their bodies are still developing and they have a higher need for growth support, immune function, and collagen production

Most child specific supplements will give an age range. These age ranges are based on the serving size, so most times you can use for any age you just might have to do some calculations to get the right dose.

this bottle is marked 6-12mo

2mL = 50mg

I wold personally be ok using 50mg for 0-6mo, but if you wanted to be “by the book” you could use 1.5 mL for 37.5mg.

this bottle’s serving size is...

4mL = 90mg

that would make 2mL = 45 mg

so if you wanted to be “by the book” you could do 1ml for a newborn; 1/4mL 1-3yr; 1/2 mL 4-8yr, etc..


Probiotics help the immune system by preventing pathogens from sticking to the intestinal surface, promoting the growth of T cells which help inflammatory responses, fighting against harmful bacteria, restoring gut balance, reducing inflammation, and improving oxygen saturation.

Probiotic dosing is a little different than normal vitamins. If an age range isn’t specified, a good rule of thumb is to use 1/4 the recommended adult dosage for children up to 6 years; half for children 6-12 years, and the full dose for 13 years and up. 

A few of our favs:

Briar Rose

Briar Rose is a natural form of medicine called gemmotherapy, and is made from plant buds. It supports a healthy sinus passage, eyes, and throat, therefore useful against: runny nose and congestion, ear aches and infections, sore throat, sinus infections, headaches caused by allergies.

It can be used as a preventative 2-3x a week, or 2-3x times a day when battling active sickness. 

infants: 5-8 drops

3-8yrs: 15-20 drops

older kids-adults: 25-50 drops

Source: Dr. Lauren Feder (MD)

Thieves Oil

Thieves is an oil blend typically consisting of clove, lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and rosemary. It’s an oil inspired by the legend of four 15th century French thieves who would steal from the dead. They formulated the blend to protect against sickness when they stole from plague victims.

Rub on bottoms of feet during cold/flu season or if feeling sick (dilute with coconut oil if using on children) I like YL thieves, and Plant Therapy germ fighter


Elderberries are believed to boost the immune system due to their high levels of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. They contain polyphenols, which can help prevent cell damage. They also contain Vitamin C which can help prevent illness and support the immune system. Many people are comfortable giving their babies elderly syrup as long as it doesn’t contain honey. But technically there isn’t enough research to deem it officially safe for children under 5. Many integrative pediatricians recommend waiting until at least 10 months. 

Garlic Honey

Garlic contains antibacterial properties and contains allicin which helps stimulate the immune system. Honey is filled with antioxidants like flavonoids and polyphenols, which help fight against inflammation. Honey is also antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal. *Honey is not recommended for children under 12 months. 

my full med cabinet

You can purchase my full holistic medicine cabinet with over 100 categorized holistic remedies, homeopathic products, and more for both babies, children, and adults.

It is an ever evolving document. You will receive a direct link, and any time I add new products, treatments, categories, etc., you will have direct access to the updates. 

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