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Our Sick Kid Protocol

There are so many natural treatments out there for sick kiddos. It can be overwhelming knowing where to begin - also near to impossible to do all the things. 

It’s important to find what works for you and your budget/mental sanity, but I wanted to share our go-to’s when we have a sick kiddo.

These are our go-to’s for any kind of sickness...Upper Respiratory, Fevers, etc. And for any age (unless otherwise specified). 

*Elderberry and Garlic Honey I will use IF I have them readily on hand, but I don’t go out of my way if I don’t. 

When to Call the Doctor

  • A child under three months has a fever over 100.4 or exhibits any serious symptoms. 

  • A fever over 104 

  • Fever for more than two consecutive days

  • Other symptoms like stiff neck, listlessness, or sensitivity to light

  • Unable to hold down food for more than a few hours or shows any signs of dehydration

  • Refusal to drink water

  • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, or any sign of respiratory distress (Seek immediate help)

  • The person has been exposed to toxins or poisons that may have caused the fever

  • If mother's intuition is telling you there's something more serious going on!

Source: The Wellness Mama



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