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Safer MiraLAX Alternatives

Why Ditch MiraLAX

MiraLAX contains polyethylene glycol (PEG), which is the main ingredient in antifreeze. 

Reported adverse reactions from PEG: central nervous system (CNS) toxicity, hyperosmolarity, hemolysis, cardiac arrhythmia, seizures, agitation, and lactic acidosis (1).

Many have reported side effects of increased bloating, gas, cramping, diarrhea, and more.

High-volume polyethylene glycol bowel cleansing preparation has been shown to have a long-lasting effect on the gut microbiota composition and homeostasis, with a decrease in the Lactobacillaceae abundance, a population of protective bacteria (2).

My “Swear By” Constipation Relief Alternative

  • (2oz Prune Juice or Aloe Vera Juice (learn more on what to look for in juice here)

  • If not drinking juice yet then milk or formula is fine

  • 1tsp Flaxseed Oil mixed into juice/milk

  • Double probiotic

  • Continue daily until stool softens

Liquid Magnesium

Magnesium helps improve gut motility. You can find magnesium in all sorts of forms (pill, powder, liquid). Personally, I have found that liquid works best.

I start with about 400-500 mg/day. You can break it up into 2-3 x/day in smaller doses if you want. If diarrhea begins to occur then cut back. 

Other Constipation Relief Options

  • Water! Water! Water! (warm water may help soothe the tummy, as well)

  • Add in more fiber to diet

  • Cut out processed foods, refined carbohydrates, sugar, unhealthy fats, and synthetic additives - these are all hard on the digestive tract and make it harder to produce normal bowel movements

  • Add in a probiotic, or if already taking a probiotic daily - double it

  • Sprouted chia seeds & flaxseeds - both are high in fiber and healthy fats. They also help absorb water. Flaxseed helps lubricate the colon (especially flaxseed oil). Both are super easy to sprinkle on top of food or put into a smoothie.

Other Constipation Relief Options for KIDS


1Lim TY, Poole RL, Pageler NM. Propylene glycol toxicity in children. J Pediatr Pharmacol Ther. 2014 Oct-Dec;19

2Drago L, Toscano M, De Grandi R, Casini V, Pace F. Persisting changes of intestinal microbiota after bowel lavage and colonoscopy. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2016 May;28


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