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Safer Produce Wash

Why Wash Your Produce

While dirt can actually be good for us in many cases, we can’t know the source of the dirt when it comes to our produce  (unless we are buying from local farms), so washing our produce rids it of any unwanted and unhealthy dirt. 

Most produce, if not organic, contain extremely unhealthy amounts of external pesticides - especially those listed on EWG’s annual “Dirty Dozen” list. Long-term exposure to pesticides has been linked to cancer, nervous and reproductive system damage, birth defects, and immune system and GI tract disruption (1). The damage is even more severe for children. 

Produce is very likely to contain parasites like tapeworms, protozoans, and small intestinal roundworms, according to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. In fact, the CDC estimates that millions of Americans are infected with food borne parasites every year (2). 

DIY Produce Wash

  • Place your produce in a large bowl

  • Add 1/2 c vinegar and 2 c water

  • Let sit for 5 minutes

  • Rinse

Some people will soak for a full 15 minutes in just vinegar, but I only do this if I don’t buy organic because I find it makes my produce soggy quicker. 



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