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What About Bluey and Ms. Rachel?

One of the questions I get the most when it comes to slower paced, gentler themed TV shows for kids is, "What about Bluey and/or Ms. Rachel?"There are pros and cons to both (as with all shows, in my opinion). But we do utilize both in our home, at times.

Let's dive into more detail.



  • Slower paced

  • Softer colors

  • Simple animation

  • Inspires play*

What some people dislike about Bluey is that it solely revolves around *silly play. There is not typically an overall story-telling plot surrounding heavy themes of kindness, compassion, teamwork, empathy, etc. (although, with many episodes I would disagree with this). However, I believe it is important for children to learn how to make-believe and role play. If you use this show in your home, I would suggest you encourage your kids to take some of the "play" seen in Bluey and add it into their own play.

Another aspect of Bluey that some parents have issues with is that there are a few characters with "bad attitudes," and conflict that is resolved by distraction, rather than problem-solving.

Ms. Rachel

With "educational" shows like Ms. Rachel, the controversy is that it gives a false sense of reality. Kids may learn new words and signs, but it's more so mimicry and memorization. They are not receiving the real life social cues that come with in-person human interaction.

My encouragement would be that you watch Ms. Rachel (when you can) alongside your child, and interact with them through the content. For example, if Ms. Rachel is talking about bananas, go and get a real-life banana from the kitchen! I would also make a point to use the words and signs "taught" in real life.

As far as the "educational" tv shows go, Ms. Rachel is one of the better choices. I work in the airway/sleep dentistry field, and know many myofunctional speech therapists who have stated that Ms. Rachel knows what she's doing, and uses many beneficial speech tools.

You, as the parent, can learn from her and use these tools in real life!

Final Thoughts

I believe there are better options out there, and we try and opt for those better options more times than not. But we do allow a time and a place for both of these shows in our home.

If you have made the decision to not allow either, great! And if you are a die hard Ms. Rachel and/or Blue fan...also great!

You are the parent, and you get to make the best informed decision for your family.

If you would like to see a list of slower paced, gentler themed tv show, check out my "📺" highlight on Instagram.


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